Social commerce company looking for a Junior Drupal Developer

ilzez Wed, 06/06/2012 - 09:10

Pārpublicēju informāciju no Latvijas grupas:

Social commerce company looking for a Junior Drupal Developer - 2+ Years Experience.

Employment type: Full time
Telecommute: Allowed
Individual developers only. No agencies. No consultants.

20 - 40 hour / week
Telecommute - OK
Must speak English with other engineers, not just chat
Very disciplined
Follows instructions well
Motivated to become a Drupal Expert

We've worked with a lot of junior engineers and know how to develop their engineering skills with our methodology.…

Viņu lapa izskatās diezgan interesanta! :) Ja kāds piesakās varētu iekomentēt un pateikt kas viņi ir un ko viņi īsti vēlās? btw - Kāds zin kas ir Technical: - Acquia? :)
Acquia droši vien ir domāts kāds Acquia produkts, Dev Cloud vai kāds cits.